Terms & Conditions
Standard Service:
Standard service includes one 96 gallon bin (addition bins available). All waste must be bagged & tied for safe and expeditious removal. Customers may dispose of up to 7 (13gal) bags or 3 (32gal) bags per week PLUS overage forgiveness for qualifying customers (see "overage program" for details). Customer must full fill the billing cycle in which cancellation is made.
Bulk Waste:
Bulk waste is any non-household waste that does not fit in your SVG issued bin. Bulk waste removal can be scheduled at an additional fee. Please use our "Contact Page" to schedule.
Overage Waste:
Overages are deducted for any waste outside bin or preventing lid closure. Customers shall receive 6 overage credits annually. Should customer exceed 6 credits their overage program will be suspended until program is renewed (see contact page). 3 (13gal white bags)= 1 credit / 1 (32gal black bag)= 1 credit
Prohibited Waste:
Liquid paint, Used motor oil, Large batteries, Fuels, Corrosives, Heavy items and Explosives are strictly prohibited. These can injure workers and damage equipment, roadways and properties. NO CONSTRUCTION BAGS/BAGS OVER 50LBS
Service Delays/Rescheduling:
Holidays- all pickups are delayed one day from holiday. (Memorial/ 4th of July/ Veterans/ Thanksgiving/ Christmas)
Weather/Etc.- all pickups are delayed one day unless otherwise stated on "Alerts" page.
Customer invoices are sent to their email account. All invoices are due on the 1st with a 14 day grace period. There is a 10% late fee on all past due invoices.
Suspension of Service:
Service is suspended for the following and subject to a $20.00 reinstatement fee.
1. Past due invoices- Payments not received by due date
2. Pest infestation- Service is restored once infestation is remediated
3. Unmanageable waste- Any waste that cannot be safely extracted from bin. (Overweight/Size)
Termination of Service:
Service may be terminated for one or more of the following
1. Three or more late payments
2. Service to customer address is no longer viable
3. Non-compliance of "Terms & Conditions" and or "Waste Guidelines"
*Accounts subject to an $80.00 per bin collection/cleaning/replacement fee.
Cancel Service:
Must be followed in order to cancel service:
1. All invoices must be paid
2. Stop Service notification submitted on websites "Contact Page"
3. Cancellations notification must be made no later than 7 days prior to the end of your billing cycle.
Missed Service:
All bins should be out the night before service and not retrieved until there service has been performed. Should service be missed there is a one time $50.00 return service fee. Should SVG miss your service our return pickup is free or compensated. Please leave a message on our "Contact" page. If your bin was not available for service photo verification may be provided upon request.
SVG bins:
Customers are responsible for maintaining clean and operational SVG bin(s) for service. SVG bin(s) are required for service Processing fee includes the purchase of SVG bin(s). Bins must be kept in good, clean and working order.
Lid replacement...........................................................$50.00
Bin replacement...........................................................$100.00
Release of Liability:
Smoky Valley Garbage, its owners, and employees shall not be held responsible for damages to driveways, vehicles or properties due to disposal of prohibited waste or that do not allow adequate access to perform service. Customer is responsible for all permissions when access across properties not owned by said customer is required.
Discounts apply only to customers signing up while discount is posted. Past due payments will void discounts.
Terms & Conditions
Standard Service:
Standard service includes one 96 gallon bin (addition bins available). All waste must be bagged & tied for safe and expeditious removal. Customers may dispose of up to 7 (13gal) bags or 3 (32gal) bags per week PLUS overage forgiveness for qualifying customers (see "overage program" for details). Customer must full fill the billing cycle in which cancellation is made.
Bulk Waste:
Bulk waste is any non-household waste that does not fit in your SVG issued bin. Bulk waste removal can be scheduled at an additional fee. Please use our "Contact Page" to schedule.
Overage Waste:
Overages are deducted for any waste outside bin or preventing lid closure. Customers shall receive 6 overage credits annually. Should customer exceed 6 credits their overage program will be suspended until program is renewed (see contact page). 3 (13gal white bags)= 1 credit / 1 (32gal black bag)= 1 credit
Prohibited Waste:
Liquid paint, Used motor oil, Large batteries, Fuels, Corrosives, Heavy items and Explosives are strictly prohibited. These can injure workers and damage equipment, roadways and properties. NO CONSTRUCTION BAGS/BAGS OVER 50LBS
Service Delays/Rescheduling:
Holidays- all pickups are delayed one day from holiday. (Memorial/ 4th of July/ Veterans/ Thanksgiving/ Christmas)
Weather/Etc.- all pickups are delayed one day unless otherwise stated on "Alerts" page.
Customer invoices are sent to their email account. All invoices are due on the 1st with a 14 day grace period. There is a 10% late fee on all past due invoices.
Suspension of Service:
Service is suspended for the following and subject to a $20.00 reinstatement fee.
1. Past due invoices- Payments not received by due date
2. Pest infestation- Service is restored once infestation is remediated
3. Unmanageable waste- Any waste that cannot be safely extracted from bin. (Overweight/Size)
Termination of Service:
Service may be terminated for one or more of the following
1. Three or more late payments
2. Service to customer address is no longer viable
3. Non-compliance of "Terms & Conditions" and or "Waste Guidelines"
*Accounts subject to an $80.00 per bin collection/cleaning/replacement fee.
Cancel Service:
Must be followed in order to cancel service:
1. All invoices must be paid
2. Stop Service notification submitted on websites "Contact Page"
3. Cancellations notification must be made no later than 7 days prior to the end of your billing cycle.
Missed Service:
All bins should be out the night before service and not retrieved until there service has been performed. Should service be missed there is a one time $50.00 return service fee. Should SVG miss your service our return pickup is free or compensated. Please leave a message on our "Contact" page. If your bin was not available for service photo verification may be provided upon request.
SVG bins:
Customers are responsible for maintaining clean and operational SVG bin(s) for service. SVG bin(s) are required for service Processing fee includes the purchase of SVG bin(s). Bins must be kept in good, clean and working order.
Lid replacement...........................................................$50.00
Bin replacement...........................................................$100.00
Release of Liability:
Smoky Valley Garbage, its owners, and employees shall not be held responsible for damages to driveways, vehicles or properties due to disposal of prohibited waste or that do not allow adequate access to perform service. Customer is responsible for all permissions when access across properties not owned by said customer is required.
Discounts apply only to customers signing up while discount is posted. Past due payments will void discounts.